Aavia: Setting a New Standard for Hormone Health

Aavia is combining education, community, and technology to empower people to understand and control their hormone cycles. Credit: Aavia, edited by MIT News

Aavia: Setting a New Standard for Hormone Health

Graduate-organized Aavia uses education, society, and electronics to change the habit people consider hormones.

Half the public endure weekly ovarian hormone eras. Those phases impact menstrual patterns, potency, and much more, but stigmas around birth control method questions have restricted awareness about birth control method energy.

Immediately, Aavia is occupied to help people appreciate their birth control method phase and its impacts.

These phases impact condition of sleep, feature of muscle harmonize, strength, sex instinct, skin energy, mental energy, strength levels — you name itbut none is talking about this,” Boss Aagya Mathur MBA ’18 voices. “We visualize a world place family can use their birth control method eras to benefit them era to epochto create them a powerful country alternatively entity they are dreading or feel is a burden.”

The startup, that was created all along the MIT Entrepreneurship and Creator Abilities Integrator (MEMSI), achieves that through a merger of instruction, community, and science.

Aavia‘s leader brand is a patented smart dose case that can sense when consumers take pregnancy prevention pills, and remind ruling class through a movable app if they ignore.

Apart from sending these announcements, the app and allure following website admit consumers to path changes they notice throughout their era, catch embodied approvals, learn from peers and healing masters, and catch with a society handling comparable problems.

Abandoned to right: Aagya Mathur, Aya Suzuki, Alexis Wong. Credit: indulgence of Aavia

“[Lifting knowledge about hormonal health] isn’t entity that can occur journey, so we decided to start by talking a question that community already comprehend they have, that is remembering to take their oral contraceptive pill,” Mathur voices. “From there, we’ve supplemented our duties established what we’ve learned is active and in disrepair for our consumers.”

Mathur, along with Aavia co-founders Alexis Wong and Aya Suzuki ’18, voice they’re compelled apiece stories they get word from community the one have secondhand Aavia’s services to address questions accompanying belongings like anxiety and blemishes that they’ve worked accompanying for years outside understanding they were had connection with hormones.

“[We’re] course people have a better well-being journey than their founders,” Mathur mentions. “Hopefully my future girl will have a habit better well-being journey than I’ve had. Nobody is obey to this question, but half the community has ovaries, so it’s entity that is intensely underserved.”

An idea is hatched

Wong and Suzuki met at MEMSI, an exhaustive two-temporal length of event or entity's existence bootcamp that challenges undergraduate participants from MIT and Hong Kong to build a fittings startup. Suzuki had processed in a restoration ability and saw the questions society had accompanying treatment devotion.

They started cultivating a pill pack that take care of sense when pills were still in their tinfoil wrap and transmit reminders to consumers by way of smartphones. They were later popularized to Mathur through a shared friend who had still engaged in in MEMSI.

The founders talked to hundreds of family accompanying a difference of health questions to decide place they commit make the most important distinctness.

The three fashioned for a diverse establishing group: Mathur had intentional neuroscience as an undergrad and concept she was make use of be a doctor as far as she took into consulting and certain an MBA at MIT was a better course.

Wong was learning electrical metallurgy at Hong Kong Academy, and Suzuki was an student at MIT studying machinelike design and design.

Mathur, the one started waking up event the midnight record ideas and questions about implausible story, was excited expected in an interdisciplinary atmosphere all the while her MBA program.

“Sloan was individual of the only schools that announcesOne MIT’ alternatively, ‘We’re implausible story school and we have entirety we need,’” Mathur says. “I concept that was honestly excellent because before you maybe in clubs accompanying people from added districts. Combining several branches of learning groups are extremely main to have the somewhat impact we inquire to have.”

The founders say it was advantageous expected scholars as they began construction the guest. They taken support from MIT Toilet, the MIT Venture Mentoring Aid, and endured the startup accelerators MIT plain bordering a river v and MIT fuse. They still achieved the hearing choice award during the MIT $100K Venture capital Contest.

Offset a guest at MIT is amazing cause you have so many money, two together financial and instructional,” Mathur voices.

Contemporary the founders continue to catch worth from MIT’s network, gathering accompanying former classmates and graduates — Mathur even refers to the class outline she accepted as an MBA student now and then.

A new approach to hormone health

After scrutinizing pertaining to 1000 of family, the founders well-informed people cherished an app that proceeded further tracking periods or colors to literally present users fitness and observable tips.

“We’re plateful you understand your birth control method era through your own newsgathering, but the considerable thing is we still present you litigable insights,” Mathur replies.

For instance, these are the three days place you have the highest strength and attending’s in what way or manner you can impose upon it, or these are the four days when you have the most worry, in this place’s what you full of enthusiasm to help reduce it.

Or, it’s happening suddenly so present are steps you can enjoy make sure it’s not as distressing as it has existed earlier.”

Aavia, that has an advisory boards of Medical practitioner, devotes plenty possessions to educational works, making online journal posts and videos, accommodating events, property forums in the app accompanying doctors four days a temporal length of event or entity's existence, and charming on social television. In society forums, consumers can ask questions, share lies or fears, and offer support.

Aavia has still existed grouping appendages accompanying identical experiences together, like those the one are communicable the unchanging blemishes medication or handling identical well-being journeys.

The more people that we can infiltrate front of, the more they can calculate added people and help each one out,” Mathur mentions.

The results have existed hopeful. One of Aavia’s appendages was being discussed accompanying clinical depression when she started following her color on the app.

The user led that dossier to her doctor, the one fulfilled the depressive manifestations were much more harsh all the while specific opportunity periods. The dossier aided the doctor change her diagnosis to premenstrual depressed disorder, that is acted otherwise than clinical depression.

The lies that we find out are genuinely what get me from bed in the dawn,” Mathur voices. “To see we transformed the one’s prospect on entity, we helped the one think that they literally needed a various situation, or aware this person feels this change secretly or stress.

Those are literally two of our greatest success versification: dropping stress and growing assurance. That’s where we’re observing important changes.”

Most of Aavia’s appendages are 18 to 24 years traditional, a mathematical Mathur announces is much more open to speaking about birth control method questions. For the founders, it all breaks to Aavia’s mission of background a new example for birth control method health.

“We find out most usually from community who feel inclined they’re ignored or the one are handling a problem that none different is obey to,” Mathur says.

“Our appendages discern us they don’t certainly trust the big health management associations, but they trust us. We’re met on which we can do to have a enduring impact as consumers search their hormone fitness journey.”