EAT YOUR WAY,YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK,Ice cream,Delicious berries,park's highlights,


One of Yellowstone National Park's best-kept secrets is its excellent cuisine.

The geography, scenery and wildlife are the park's highlights, but visitors were pleasantly surprised by the quality of the food. The 20 restaurants offer a variety of cuisines, from casual to stylish. More than 50% of the food served is locally or sustainably produced and the menu varies seasonally and in stock. Enjoy lunch!

Enjoy anything with blueberries. Montana is full of these delicious berries. Try the blueberry pancakes (or margaritas) at Old Faithful Inn or the blueberry ice cream cones at Mammoth Hot Springs. If you want to pick fresh berries yourself, don't ask the locals. Such corrections are welcome and may provide an ambiguous answer.

2. Go on a picnic. You can shop at the Lake Hotel Deli restaurant in the park or the Old Face Full Inn Bear Podeli restaurant. Grab a BBQ sandwich and call Firehole Bar-B-QueCo to soak up the local vibes outside the park. Grab some freshly baked pastries for a light meal at the Tumbleweed Bookstore and Cafe in West Yellowstone or Gardiner, Montana.

3. Make it special. If possible, host one of the many unique dinner parties. The dining at the Lake Yellowstone Hotel is located on the shores of Lake Yellowstone. This historic and beautiful hotel has recently been refurbished and the dining experience is delightful. Or, ride a horse (or covered wagon) to the Roosevelt Old West Dinner Cookout for an authentic Western experience. The dish includes steak or vegetarian options with all toppings like roasted beans, potato salad, coleslaw, cornbread muffins and fruit chips.

4. Prepare snacks. Even if you do nothing, traffic in the park can slow down as visitors observe wildlife. And when you see a bear or a wolf, you will want to stop and look. Products made in Montana are popular with locals and tourists. Find something like Pepperstix at Big Timber's Pioneer Meats. Canyon Washburn Lookout offers a variety of snacks.

5. Cook it on fire. Direct heating cooking has something like enhancing the flavor of any meal. Hamburgers, hot dogs, and more are standard camp fares, but don't be afraid to increase the cost. A light meal in front of the fireplace is carrots, onions and potatoes wrapped in foil and grilled.

6. Let's Eat Dessert! Yes, you can see what you are eating, but the rules do not apply on holidays. I love Wilcoxin's ice cream sandwich. Ice cream made in Livingston, Montana is fresh and delicious. If you are gluten free, try Montana Monster Munchy. For a decadent finish, Grant Village Diner serves Yellowstone Sunday: Shredded Blueberry Ice Cream topped with a berry topping.

7. Eat new meat. If you like meat, get out of your comfort zone and try something new. Bison (farmed bison that is not wild in the park) is a lean alternative to beef. The menu features Bison Burger, Smoke Bison Sausage, and Bison meat loaf. M66 Bar & Grill serves mutton and Mammoth Dining Room serves elk (farm produce).

8. Have a delicious breakfast. It is best to explore the park when you are full of energy. For those in a hurry, a buffet breakfast is available at Grant Village Lakehouse Restaurant. Canyon Lodge Eatary is perfect for light meals such as local hot cereals and daily omelets. Loosevelt Lodge is ideal for traditional dishes such as biscuits and gravy, egg and potato bread and thick French toast.

9. Find a lunch break. Afternoon is a good time to relax. B.L.T. in Lake Delhi It offers homemade sandwich dishes such as With wasabi mayonnaise. If you want to eat out, find a nice spot in the shade of Canyon Falls. You may want to take a nap!

10. Immerse yourself in liberation. There are several breweries in Montana that make delicious sake. Headframe Spirits Orphan Girl Bourbon Cream Liqueur is incredibly smooth and Willy's Montana Honey tastes like butter. The wine list here is meticulously crafted and the beer selection is extensive. (Tip: look for local brews. Montana c

There are many established emerging breweries.)